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Monday, February 26, 2024


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I'm sorry to see you go. I enjoyed photos of your garden: we seem to have similar affinity to shade gardens.
I've dabbled in collages in the past: it's a fun creative outlet. I wish you the best of time creating indoor and out.

Stephanie O'Neal

Linda – Your blog has been a touchstone for me. Your enthusiasm and love of plants (among other interests) and seeing you and Mark work together to create and adjust your garden to your needs and interests through the years has been truly inspirational. I look forward to hearing and learning from you through the WHPS Facebook Group page, but the pure love of gardening and information you have provided through this blog will be sorely missed. Best to you always. Stephanie O’Neal

danger garden

Well this is sad news! I have to admit there have been times I've wondered if the difficulties we're constantly having to overcome to keep our blogs going are a sign that it's time to just let go. I'm not ready to do so, but I completely understand your decision. I'm wishing you a lovely gardening season ahead, and hope that someday we may meet! You've been an inspiration.

Susan Sobol

Oh you will be missed but I understand you are ready to move on. You are a talented writer - among your other attributes! Perhaps you'll post photos from time to time on Instagram? Susan

Susie at pbmGarden

I've enjoyed your perspective, your creativity and the wonder of your peaceful garden. The call of collage is compelling. I hope to go that direction again myself. Best to you and Mark.

Old Lady Gardener

Thank you for all the great posts! You will be missed, Linda. Enjoy your time pursuing other projects. You two take care of each other!

Kathy from Cold Climate Gardening

I'm sorry you've had so much trouble. Enjoy your new-found spare time! I'll keep in touch.

Barbara H.

It's a sad time but I think exciting, too! Sometimes we just get shoved out the door of the old way into what proves to be an exciting new venture that we didn't see coming. Hope that's what's happening for you. It's been a great pleasure, Linda, and I wish you a great journey into new things. Thanks for all the garden joy over the years.


Linda, I am sad to see you go. I've greatly enjoyed reading your blog over the years and wish you the best on your new adventures! Thanks for your encouragement when I started my own blog a few years ago. I can only wonder what things will be like in the blogging world another 16 years from now.

Jane Miller

So sorry to hear this, I’ve always enjoyed your blog. This seems to be the time in life when all the good things disappear. At least I know our paths will cross in a garden or somewhere else in Madison. Thanks for being such an inspiration to me!


I'm sorry to hear this, I kept checking back and wondering what was up. I'm sorry and I hope you have a great gardening season!


Oh gosh, Linda. Sorry for the troubles and sorry to see you leaving. Your blog was truly a highlight for me, as were visits to your amazing garden. I missed this entry earlier because I was away on a trip at the time you posted. Sorry about the posting issues. I've had some, too, but I'm still enjoying blogging so I'll continue for a bit yet. I hope we can be in touch in other ways. :)


Linda, I'm very sorry to see you retire your blog, but I understand all too well how much work they are to keep up and running. Thanks for all the gardening you and Mark have shared on yours all these years. I've learned so much from you and was always entertained. And I'm very glad to have met you both through blogging. With best wishes on your new ventures! Pam

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Words & Images

  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.