I've never been a big fan of the Chrysanthemums one sees to buy at this time of year. Dense plants of brightly colored flowers that somehow always feel fake to me. So it's no surprise that when I saw Chrysanthemum 'Sheffield' in the online shop of Avant Gardens in MA, I fell for it hard.
I planted it in August, 2021. I got enough flowers last fall to get a sense of what it would look like this year: Glorious. I cut these stems on Oct. 27th on the assumption that a frost would kill it. Most of the flowers were still in the bud stage and I just left them to their fate in the garden.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered they were continuing to open and bloom despite some pretty chilly weather. I cut more stems and added them to the original group which have now been looking perfect for 10 days.
Front or back, I'm in love with these flowers. So I ordered another one from Avant Garden called "October Glory." Can't wait for it to bloom next year.
Nothing nicer than having enough flowers to cut that you can put them in multiple places indoors. With an equally long-lasting leaf from Heuchera 'Fire Alarm.'